Care & Services at Pacific Care Center are designed to meet the customized needs of each individual.
Pacific Care Center offers a wide range of 5-star accredited skilled resident care, assisted living, and rehabilitation services in our comfortable and caring environment. With the full attention of our highly trained and certified clinical team, residents receive state-of-the-art care.
All Pacific Care Center residents receive a care needs assessment upon move-in, which is periodically evaluated so that any changes to those needs are addressed. By following a universal care model, the staff at Pacific Care Center works together to provide each resident with quality, comprehensive nursing care as well as coordination of physician and pharmacy services.
And our Care & Services don’t stop there. Should a natural or man-made disaster occur, Pacific Care Center has a complete Emergency Management Plan that has been developed and implemented to protect each resident from harm and move every individual to a safe location along with his/her identification, medications, and care plan.

Our Care & Services Include
- Skilled Nursing
- Inpatient Therapy
- Private Room Peritoneal Dialysis
- Offsite Hemodialysis
- IV Therapy
- Internal Feeding (NG/GT)
- Urinary Incontinence Program
- Wound Management, including Wound Vacs
- Skilled Restorative Nursing Program with Daily Exercise
- Skilled Rehabilitation Therapy
- Advanced Modalities
- Pulmonary Program
- Respite Care
- Hospice Care
- Palliative Care
We Specialize in Treating
- Fractures
- Orthopedic Conditions
- Amputations
- Joint Replacements
- Strokes (CVAs/TIAs)
- Respiratory Conditions
- Cardiac Conditions
- Diabetes
- Cancer
- Renal Failure
- Neuromuscular Conditions
- Spinal Cord Injuries
- Swallowing and Speech Disorders
- Cognitive and Memory Deficit
- End of Life Care
Ancillary Services
- Barber & Beauty Services
- Dental Care
- Optometry Care
- Podiatry Care
- Laboratory
- Radiology & Diagnostics
- Consultant Medical/Physician Care
- Pharmacy Consultant Services
- Dietetic Consultant Services
- Gero-Psych Consultant Services
- Wound Management Services provided by Wound Care Plus, Board Certified Wound Specialists
- Transportation
Contact Us with your Care & Services questions. Our experienced professionals will be happy to help meet the needs of your loved one.